Wednesday, September 05, 2007

iPhone Story

This is the letter I left with Apple today, when I saw their "Share your iPhone Story" section on

I purchased the iPhone on the day it was launched: I was very excited. Above all, it has been the best cell phone, internet device, PDA, iPod that I have ever owned. I was also very interested in what would be next as far as new features and applications delivered through iTunes software updates.

However, I am a bit disappointed now that the only real new features (iTunes Wifi Store, and Ringtones) have been announced only to a $200 price drop! As far as I see it, I have had the privilege to use this fantastic device for the past 69 days, but it seems a rather stiff "early adopter tax" granted that no new apps or features were delivered until this announcement. I understand Apple stands to make a profit on the products they sell, but this seems a bit out of the ordinary. It seems even Wall Street took this price drop the wrong way (AAPL is -5.13% in the wake of this announcement), even though the sales figures tell a much different story.

As a long term customer, I am accustomed to product refreshes, and price drops (I purchased the iMac G5 iSight only to see the iMac Core Duo released soon after), but this feels different. Even seeing this "iPhone Story" section today, rather than yesterday, prompted me to write a complaint, rather than a glowing review and even an insightful story about the devices functionality that would improve the product.

My thoughts of what a fair "gift" to iPhone early adopters are probably out of place, but I have planned to own my iPhone through the 2 year service contract with AT&T (as I'm sure is echoed by most of us early adopters). In light of that, I feel that giving a complementary Apple Care Plan to early adopters would be the best gift. I feel it is a win-win from both sides. I have my perfect phone for 2 years worry free, and it remains in the public eye (free advertising) for Apple for those 2 years. Additionally, this could be done silently or publicly by Apple, and would be communicated by word of mouth by the users who received this "gift".

Please feel free to contact me about my story, I would like to discuss.

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