Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Office (U.S.A.)

I am convinced that the U.S.A. ruins nearly all that it touches. Just look at any chain restaurant that pretends to be "authentic," (if you need examples, leave a comment). Or The Office (U.S.A.). Give me a break, the damn show would be funny if they just took Ricky Gervais' scripts from The Office (UK) and had American actors use "Northern American" accents. I guess I am not alone in my sentiments, but it does seem to have a prime time slot for weeknight disengaging entertainment. Ugh.


Anonymous said...

you seem to know as much about the office as a certain packaging co-op knows about world issues. which is a lot.

what's on cnn tonight?

Nick said...

I'm afraid of americans. And I will spare any innocent bystanders of slander while I make fun of you.