Monday, January 30, 2006


Australian IT - Apple chops music giants' profits (, JANUARY 31, 2006): "'Music has become a disposable item,' BMG Music Publishing chairman and chief executive Nicholas Firth says."

This is exactly what is wrong with BMG. This is why BMG is not getting it, and pretty much all other record labels. This is why they tried to spy on you with root-kit DRM. They have no clue what people want. Nobody wants a subscription service to listen to download whatever crap your label has. Its all crap. What people want is to be able to browse a vast collection of music, and buy a la carte. Period. They also don't want to be tied into paying per month for a service. Don't we all have enough bills to remember and crap that keeps showing up on our credit cards? Wouldn't we rather own music rather than view it as a "disposable item"? Its frigging disgusting to hear a record company say that. Hopefully its the end for them, and the RIAA.

At the same time, I do see what my buddy Nicholas Firth has to say has some truth to it. Half the crap (if not more) that BMG publishes probably is disposable. After all, why would a record company want to sell you a recording you would want to listen to more than once? Bad buisiness.

I would rather not get into what the masses listen to, but it sure as hell is evident HOW they are listening to it. At least half of the students at MSU are walking advertisements of that fact.

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