Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tiger Kills HDDs?

My first rant begins...

Has anyone had hdd trouble after upgrading from Panther to Tiger? In my case, I use an iBook G4 800MHz. Upgraded from Panther when Tiger launched, and my hdd died at the end of July. In just 2 months my hdd was dead. Now this may just be a mac was 1.5 years old, and being a laptop it was moved around a lot. But seriously, is 1.5 years a normal life expectancy for a mobile hdd, or did Tiger kill it? I have been running Tiger on the replacement hdd (thank you applecare, paid for itself here) since the end of July, no problems, everything has been great. The real kicker is that my girlfriend may be encountering the same problem...she upgraded from panther nearly 2 months ago, on her iBook G4 1GHz. She is starting to hear the same hdd noises that I heard in the weeks before failure...

Pray for the best, or is Tiger killing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not heard anything about that. I wonder if Tiger doing all that Spotlight indexing is making the HD work harder? I'd check the Apple, MacFixit, or MacinTouch boards to see what's up.